Jumat, 06 Januari 2012


Why do I put the tittle for my story just like the above? Because of my experience. What happened with my experience? My experience told me everything about the life, especially my life.My life has just two things. That is the happiness and the sadness. Just it two.Between the two of that, the sadness always comes to me and the happiness comes too late right after the sadness. I don’t know why, but that is the fact of all. When the sadness comes, I always cry and sad all night long. I just can’t stop to think about. Sometimes I feel such a useless and give up. So stuck here at the condition. I don’t know what to do and where to go. I have to look any clue for me to take a move.Always pray to God that I can through it all until the happiness comescause God is greatest miracle. And when the happiness comes, I always happy all night day. I can see the clearest smile on my face as the baby. I always tell everyone about it. But, the sadness always comes (almost everyday) than the happiness. Ya, the happiness always comes just only for a while. So sad.Life never asks me what I want. Finally, that is all my life with the bullshit and the lies

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